레이블이 Top School in the World인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Top School in the World인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'best schools in the world ranking'|...Daniel Nestor will take on Max Mirnyi in the afternoon. Profiles: Max...Nationality: Belarussian Seeded: 24 World ranking: 24 Australian Open best: 3rd round (2000) Recent record...

About 'best schools in the world ranking'|...Daniel Nestor will take on Max Mirnyi in the afternoon. Profiles: Max...Nationality: Belarussian Seeded: 24 World ranking: 24 Australian Open best: 3rd round (2000) Recent record...

This               article               ranks               the               top               law               schools               in               the               United               States               by               average               (midhinge)               Law               School               Admission               Test               (LSAT)               scores               for               recent               enrollees.

Administered               by               the               Law               School               Admission               Council               (LSAC),               the               LSAT               is               an               exam               designed               to               measure               the               analytical               and               verbal               reasoning               skills               of               prospective               law               school               students;               it               is               a               mandatory               test               for               applicants               to               ABA-approved               law               schools.
               Ranking               law               schools               by               midhinge               LSAT               scores               is               the               best               methodology               for               several               reasons.

First,               the               LSAT--               unlike               undergraduate               Grade               Point               Averages               (GPA)--is               an               objective               measure               of               preparedness               for               law               school;               that               is,               the               test               is               standardized               and               administered               just               four               times               a               year.

Second,               the               vast               majority               of               law               schools               publish               the               25th               percentile               and               75th               percentile               LSAT               scores               for               entering               classes               but               not               necessarily               median               scores.

By               contrast,               the               annual               U.S.

News               &               World               Report               rankings               rely               upon,               inter               alia,               LSAT               scores,               GPA,               and               "...

opinions               about               program               quality               ...."               (emphasis               supplied).
               With               the               foregoing               in               mind,               the               following               are               the               top               law               schools               in               the               United               States               along               with               their               locations,               comparative               U.S.

News               &               World               Report               rankings,               and               midhinge               LSAT               scores.

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings               
               Harvard               Law               School               
               Cambridge,               Massachusetts               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               2               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               173.5
               Yale               Law               School               
               New               Haven,               Connecticut               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               1               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               173.5

Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Columbia               Law               School               
               New               York,               New               York               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               4               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               172.5

Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings               
               New               York               University               (NYU)               School               of               Law               
               New               York,               New               York               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               6               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               172

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings               
               Georgetown               University               Law               Center               
               Washington,               D.C.


News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               14               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               170
               Stanford               Law               School               
               Stanford,               California               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               3               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               170
               University               of               Chicago               Law               School               
               Chicago,               Illinois               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               5               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               170

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings               
               Duke               University               School               of               Law               
               Durham,               North               Carolina               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               11               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               169.5
               University               of               Michigan               Law               School               
               Ann               Arbor,               Michigan               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               9               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               169.5

Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Northwestern               University               School               of               Law               
               Chicago,               Illinois               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               11               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               169

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               University               of               Pennsylvania               Law               School               
               Philadelphia,               Pennsylvania               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               7               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               168.5
               University               of               Virginia               School               of               Law               
               Charlottesville,               Virginia               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               10               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               168.5

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               USC               Gould               School               of               Law               
               Los               Angeles,               California               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               18               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               167.5
               UCLA               School               of               Law               
               Los               Angeles,               California               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               15               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               167.5
               Vanderbilt               University               Law               School               
               Nashville,               Tennessee               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               17               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               167.5

Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Cornell               University               Law               School               
               Ithaca,               New               York               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               13               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               167

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               UC               Berkeley               School               of               Law               
               Berkeley,               California               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               7               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               166.5
               University               of               Texas               School               of               Law               
               Austin,               Texas               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               15               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               166.5

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Boston               University               School               of               Law               
               Boston,               Massachusetts               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               22               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               166
               Emory               University               School               of               Law               
               Atlanta,               Georgia               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               22               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               166

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Fordham               University               School               of               Law               
               New               York,               New               York               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               34               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               165.5
               University               of               Illinois               College               of               Law               
               Champaign,               Illinois               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               21               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               165.5

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Boston               College               Law               School               
               Boston,               Massachusetts               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               28               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               165
               George               Washington               University               Law               School               
               Washington,               D.C.


News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               20               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               165
               University               of               Notre               Dame               Law               School               
               Notre               Dame,               Indiana               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               22               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               165
               Washington               University               in               St.

Louis               School               of               Law               

Louis,               Missouri               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               19               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               165

Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               BYU               J.

Reuben               Clark               Law               School               
               Provo,               Utah               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               42               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               164.5

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               University               of               Minnesota               Law               School               
               Minneapolis,               Minnesota               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               22               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               163.5
               Brooklyn               Law               School               
               Brooklyn,               New               York               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               67               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               163.5
               Washington               and               Lee               University               School               of               Law               
               Lexington,               Virginia               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               34               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               163.5

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Temple               University               Beasley               School               of               Law               
               Philadelphia,               Pennsylvania               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               72               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               163
               University               of               Georgia               School               of               Law               
               Athens,               Georgia               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               28               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               163
               William               &               Mary               Law               School               
               Williamsburg,               Virginia               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               28               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               163

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               University               of               Alabama               School               of               Law               
               Tuscaloosa,               Alabama               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               38               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162.5
               University               of               Arizona               James               E.

Rodgers               College               of               Law               
               Tucson,               Arizona               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               42               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162.5
               UC               Hastings               College               of               the               Law               
               San               Francisco,               California               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               42               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162.5
               University               of               Colorado               Law               School               
               Boulder,               Colorado               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               38               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162.5
               University               of               Maryland               School               of               Law               
               Baltimore,               Maryland               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               48               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162.5

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Ohio               State               University               Moritz               School               of               Law               
               Columbus,               Ohio               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               34               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162
               Tulane               University               Law               School               
               New               Orleans,               Louisiana               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               48               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162
               Wake               Forest               University               School               of               Law               
               Winston-Salem,               North               Carolina               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               38               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               162

Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               George               Mason               University               School               of               Law               
               Arlington,               Virginia               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               42               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               161.5

(tie)               Top               Law               Schools               (2010-2011):               Law               School               Rankings
               Villanova               University               School               of               Law               
               Villanova,               Pennsylvania               

News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               67               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               161
               American               University               Washington               College               of               Law               
               Washington,               D.C.


News               &               World               Report               Ranking:               48               
               Midhinge               LSAT               Score:               161
               "Best               Law               Schools,"               U.S.

News               &               World               Report               
               Embedded               links

Image of best schools in the world ranking

best schools in the world ranking
best schools in the world ranking

best schools in the world ranking Image 1

best schools in the world ranking
best schools in the world ranking

best schools in the world ranking Image 2

best schools in the world ranking
best schools in the world ranking

best schools in the world ranking Image 3

best schools in the world ranking
best schools in the world ranking

best schools in the world ranking Image 4

best schools in the world ranking
best schools in the world ranking

best schools in the world ranking Image 5

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