About 'top ten colleges in world'|...old mail fraud charge crack the top ten. Plus they are ... picked first in the NBA Draft and 2) ...breath of fresh air in the world of pro-athlete hooliganism. I...
What do our top news controversies say about our nation? You read the top controversies in my article "Best of 2007: Controversial News Events." So, having read this, what do these events say about our nation? Read on to find out... 1. Mitchell Report in Major League Baseball. What this controversial news event says about our nation is that we are in trouble. Our sports figures feel they have to engage in banned activity to be able to break new records and keep baseball interesting enough that we still pay to watch them play. This says that our nation is more worried about performance than the enjoyability of the sport itself. We all have to take responsibility in changing this if we want to have a better year in 2008. We have to go see teams that don't have the stats, like the Baltimore Orioles (I live in Maryland.) Also, this says that one of the things we are most interested in is finding out the someone did something they shouldn't have. It would be better if we focused on all the positive things baseball players did this year instead of just the negative. We should also take note that the fact this steroid use by baseball players mimics our nation as a whole. Many of us suffer from issues with drug abuse, such as cocaine and heroine abuse. 2. Oprah backs Barama. What this says about our nation is that celebrities are taking their part in politics to sway the public. We will believe what Oprah says about Barama, just because it's Oprah. But, is she really qualified to give a political opinion such as this? If so, why isn't she running for office? Should celebrities or anyone back a candidate? The fact that this is one of our top news stories of 2007 to me means that Oprah has the power to do just about anything, including perhaps running for President herself someday. This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. 3. Ellen DeGeneres dog story. What this says about our nation is that we have sympathy for celebrities beyond that which we would have for a regular person. Would we have fought so hard to get that dog back for that child if Ellen wasn't crying on national television? However, it also says that we, in America, do actuall ystill have a heart. 4. The Golden Compass. To me, this rings loud and clear that our nation is not yet ready to accept atheism. Of course, movies like this don't help it. This also says that people will do almost anything to get a movie that makes a lot of money, even if it teaches our children bad values. 5. The war in Iraq. The war in Iraq says that our nation will engage in violence for a cause, and accepts violence in certain situations. Perhaps if everyone in the world agreed that there is no basis for violence ever, we could all work together to find a peaceful solution. The fact that we believe in guns and weapons in general says that we have to accept it when these items are used. However, the war in Iraq also says that as Americans we are willing to fight for freedom, and for the underdog. 6. Al Gore's Nobel Prize. This says about the US that we believe in global warming. We think that we are doing things to the environment that are causing the planet to warm and jeopardizing the future of ourselves and other beings. This could in turn mean that we accept as true something that hasn't necessarily been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Why are the standards so different in the courtroom? What will happen if we find out that the sun is what is causing the warming? Also, what this says about the US is that we are willing to research problems and find solutions. 7. Toy recalls from China. What this says about our nation is that we don't have enough protocol for ensuring that items entering our country are safe and tested. Otherwise, these products would never have made it into our homes. We are cutting corners by getting cheaper products made in China, but we are costing our children their worry-free childhoods. 8. Virginia Tech Massacre. This controversial news event of 2007 says a few things. First, it points out that colleges should have a system in place to contact all students at one time if there is an emergency. Had this been in place, the second round of shootings might not have taken place. Second, we should be made aware of students who pose a risk to our safety, if this has been documented. Third, such dangerous students should have help available to them, and required, when the student poses a risk to others. 9. Mortgage crisis. This says that we are more interested in growing the economy than protecting what we have. If we weren't trying to make a quick dollar on our house sales and values, perhaps we would have hesitated before loaning money to individuals who would never be able to pay the money back. 10. Britney Spears. The fact that she is one of the most talked about stories of 2007 says many things. First, it says that we like negative news. Second, it says that we value celebrities more than our what is going on in our own families. Perhaps if we tackled our own issues first, we wouldn't have toy recalls from China and massacres on college campuses. Third, we learn that many celebrities have problems in our nation, and worldwide as well. Celebrities are just like everyone else. What do these top ten controversial news events of 2007 say to you? |
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