레이블이 Cincinnati University Athletics인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Cincinnati University Athletics인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'university connecticut athletics'|Georgetown/Connecticut: Who Ya Got

About 'university connecticut athletics'|Georgetown/Connecticut: Who Ya Got

               Gene               Wojciechowski's               ode               to               college               football               is               a               great               read.

The               only               problem               is               that               it's               written               as               a               love               letter;               he               was               guided               by               his               emotions.

               And               don't               get               me               wrong,               I               love               college               football.
               But               let's               be               realistic               about               this.

While               Wojciechowski               does               point               out               that               college               football               has               its               shortcomings,               simply               giving               them               a               passing               mention               isn't               enough.
               As               the               Summer               of               Manziel               has               shown,               it's               a               wonder               how               college               football               has               been               able               to               survive               so               many               scandals               without               serious               backlash.

The               players               and               even               the               sport               itself               seem               practically               untouchable.
               So               why               would               someone               who               claims               to               be               a               fan               find               so               many               reasons               to               hate               a               sport               they               care               so               deeply               about?
               In               hopes               of               fixing               it,               of               course.
               Wojciechowski               got               a               lot               of               things               right               in               his               article.

College               football               is               an               awesomely               inspirational               sport               that's               uniquely               American.
               But               it's               time               to               stop               looking               at               it               through               rose-colored               lenses.

Here               are               100               reasons.

I               hate               universities               that               make               football               a               priority               over               education.

That               in               my               home               state               of               Arkansas,               the               football               coach               gets               paid               more               than               the               medical               school's               Chief               of               Surgery.

I               hate               the               over-commercialization               of               the               game.

Naming               rights.

That               places               like               TCF               Bank               Stadium               and               Papa               John's               Cardinal               Stadium               even               exist.

Fields               with               corporate               stains               on               them.

The               sheer               number               of               bowl               games.

We're               up               to               35               and               counting.

6-6               teams               qualifying               for               a               bowl.

And               that               nearly               all               the               bowl               games               have               names               that               sound               like               advertising               slogans.

I               hate               that               winning               the               Heisman               Trophy               has               become               a               beauty               contest.

Tim               Tebow               finishing               in               the               Top               3               in               2008               while               Graham               Harrell               missed               the               cut.

The               stigma               toward               defensive               players.

If               Nebraska's               Ndamukong               Suh               couldn't               win               one,               what               hope               is               there?

The               fact               that               there               are               125               schools               competing               in               the               FBS               this               year               and               no               player               outside               of               the               Power               Six               has               a               chance               to               win               the               Heisman.

Stadium               expansion.

And               the               belief               that               having               a               bigger               stadium               equates               having               a               better               team.

Houston               Nutt.

We               put               up               with               this               guy               for               a               decade.


I               hate               pay-for-play               proponents.

Writers               who               say               the               NCAA               treats               [football]               players               like               slaves.

Senior               seasons.

And               the               stigma               that               comes               with               it.

Because               in               today's               game               it               usually               means               the               player               has               no               football               prospects               after               college.

Either               that,               or               he's               a               reserve.

The               players               who               don't               care               about               the               tradition               or               the               pageantry               of               college               football.

Knowing               that               they               wouldn't               stick               around               campus               any               longer               than               they               already               have               to.

I               hate               the               BCS.

Even               now               that               it's               gone.

I               hate,               hate,               hate               it.

Remember               in               2003,               when               Oklahoma               lost               in               the               Big               12               Championship               Game               but               still               got               to               play               in               the               BCS               Championship               Game?

Or               when               the               Sooners               got               in               again               the               next               year               instead               of               Auburn,               and               got               thrashed               by               USC?

An               inept               and               out               of               touch               NCAA.

That               high-profile               schools               and               players               often               escape               harsh               punishments.

Terrell               Pryor,               Dan               Herron,               DeVier               Posey,               Mike               Adams,               and               Solomon               Thomas               playing               in               the               2010               Sugar               Bowl.

Also,               we               are               two               years               removed               from               the               Nevin               Shapiro               scandal               at               Miami               (Fla.).

Remember               that?

I               guess               a               handful               of               suspensions               was               enough               to               satisfy               the               NCAA.

People               who               feel               sorry               for               Joe               Paterno               and               Penn               State.

That               for               a               few               months,               the               fate               of               Penn               State's               football               program               and               Joe               Paterno's               legacy               was               more               talked               about               than               Jerry               Sandusky's               victims.

I               hate               that               the               Southwest               Conference,               one               of               college               football's               premier               leagues               for               more               than               80               years,               collapsed.

And               the               domino               effect               of               conference               realignment               that               it               started.

West               Virginia               being               in               the               Big               12.

Syracuse               moving               to               the               ACC.

Missouri               joining               the               SEC               instead               of               Florida               State               or               Clemson.

The               idea               of               Connecticut,               South               Florida,               and               Tulsa               all               being               in               the               same               conference.

I               hate               that               many               teams               schedule               an               absolute               dog               on               homecoming               to               try               and               guarantee               a               win.

The               fact               that               Florida               hasn't               played               an               out               of               conference               opponent               on               the               road               in               nearly               25               years.

Indiana               being               a               football-member               of               the               Big               10.

That               schools               have               cut               down               on               playing               in               neutral               site               locations               across               their               state.

Alabama               and               Auburn               moving               the               Iron               Bowl               out               of               Legion               Field.

Ole               Miss               and               Mississippi               State               moving               the               Egg               Bowl               away               from               Jackson,               Miss.

I               hate               the               terrible               announcers.

Gary               Danielson               and               Verne               Lundquist.

Pam               Ward.

Brent               Musberger.

Bob               Griese.

This               guy.

Can't               forget               Mark               May               and               Lou               Holtz,               either.

I               hate               that               the               Oklahoma-Texas               game               changed               its               name               to               the               "Red               River               Rivalry."

And               Arkansas               State               changed               its               nickname               to               the               Red               Wolves.

(Florida               State               is               still               the               Seminoles,               by               the               way.)

The               SEC               crackdown               on               cowbells               at               Mississippi               State               games.

Boise               State's               "Smurf               Turf."

Eastern               Washington's               red               turf.

The               University               of               Central               Arkansas'               alternating               purple               and               gray               turf.

I               hate               the               ridiculous               number               of               terrible               uniform               combinations.
               The               Maryland               Terrapins               have               got               to               be               the               worst               offenders.

Fans               and               media               members               who               think               the               football               Bedlam               Series               is               a               premiere               rivalry.

C'mon,               Oklahoma               holds               an               75-17-7               all-time               advantage.

The               Sooners               only               lost               one               game               between               1967               and               1994,               for               crying               out               loud.

AP               writers               who               give               No.

1               votes               to               completely               undeserving               teams.

The               terrible               officials               that               permeate               every               conference.

The               terrible               officiating               that               seems               to               haunt               every               big               Arkansas               game.

I               hate               how               ESPN               only               gives               intense               coverage               to               the               established               names.

The               completely               undeserved               hype               a               high-profile               program               starts               its               season               2-0.
               (Looking               at               you,               2009               Miami               Hurricanes.)

And               remember               when               good               coaches               used               to               stay               at               one               school               for               an               extended               amount               of               time?

I               hate               that               fans               are               dissuaded               from               storming               the               field.


That               it               happens               too               often               now.

And               that               you               might               get               arrested               if               you               do               it.

Oh,               and               the               SEC               will               levy               a               serious               fine               against               your               school               as               well.

I               hate               that               a               pizza               and               a               coke               at               Razorback               stadium               costs               more               than               $20.

That               Arkansas               made               student               tickets               harder               to               get.

Let's               not               forget,               they               also               stopped               guaranteeing               students               seats.

And               were               willing               to               build               a               brand               new               practice               facility               while               the               campus               runs               out               of               space               for               its               students.

I               hate               the               "facilities               arms               races."

Which               happen               while               a               majority               of               college               students               and               athletes               of               less               popular               sports               wallow               in               debt               that               will               haunt               them               the               rest               of               their               lives.

(Marble               floors               imported               from               Italy,               are               you               kidding               me?)

The               people               who               believe               football               players               "go               pro"               in               something               outside               the               world               of               football.

The               people               who               believe               a               majority               of               football               players               are               "student               athletes."

And               people               who               think               the               football               players               live               in               a               dorm               and               eat               in               a               cafeteria               similar               to               anything               like               that               of               a               normal               student.

That               students               are               forced               to               move               their               cars               from               student               lots               before               game               day               and               have               to               pay               out               of               pocket               to               park               it               somewhere               else.

(Often               far               from               their               dorms.)

That               Matt               Leinart               got               to               play               one               more               season               at               USC               because               he               took               Ball               Room               Dancing               as               his               only               class.

Athletes               who               get               free               (expensive)               textbooks               and               sell               them               back               at               a               profit.

That               Arkansas'               beautiful               video               replay               board               has               most               of               its               picture               obscured               by               AT&T               ads.


I               hate               how               football               players               are               treated               differently               than               their               fellow               student               athletes.

When               authorities               look               the               other               way               when               a               member               of               the               football               team               is               involved               in               a               quagmire.

Case               in               point:               Michael               Dyer.

Who               is               now               on               his               third               team               (Louisville).

Coaches               who               get               a               free               pass.

Jim               Tressle               at               Ohio               State.

And               that               Tressel               actually               believed               Pryor's               promise               that               he               would               return               for               his               senior               season.


Urban               Meyer's               players               arrest               record.

And               many,               many               others.

The               depressing               notion               that               steroids               might               have               infiltrated               the               college               game.

I               hate               that               the               Arkansas-Texas               rivalry               is               dead.

And               the               Hogs               will               no               longer               play               LSU               at               the               end               of               the               season.

Instead               we'll               play               Missouri               -               who               the               Hogs               have               played               three               times               in               their               entire               history               -               at               the               end               of               the               season.


Even               though               I               won't               miss               LSU's               Les               Miles               purposely               mispronouncing               Arkansas.

This               pass               interference               call               against               Arkansas               in               the               2010               Florida               game.

I               hate               that               Gene               Wojciechowski               actually               thinks               Bobby               Petrino               needs               another               "second               chance."

The               fact               that               the               immortal               Bear               Bryant               (an               Arkansas               native)               was               on               his               way               to               accept               a               job               in               Fayetteville               when               World               War               II               broke               out.

Coaches               who               abandon               their               schools               because               of               an               oncoming               scandal.

(Looking               at               you,               Pete               Carroll               and               Chip               Kelly).

Razorback               fans               who               think               winning               a               national               title               makes               or               breaks               the               season.

(We've               only               appeared               in               three               SEC               Championship               Games               since               leaving               the               SWC               in               1991)

That               tons               of               scholarships               go               to               football,               leaving               the               rest               of               the               athletic               programs               to               fight               over               the               scraps               -               especially               the               women's               programs.

And               lastly,               I               hate               that               there               are               so               many               egregious               problems               with               a               sport               I               love               so               dearly.

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university connecticut athletics
university connecticut athletics

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university connecticut athletics
university connecticut athletics

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    1. outfieldgrass.blogspot.com/   05/15/2007
      ... at 6 PM against the University of Connecticut. The rain had lightened...the game. According to the UVM athletics website, the field has ...
    2. yakmilk.livejournal.com/   02/24/2009
      ...you all for your time and effort. – Meredith L. Zaritheny President of the Student Body University of Connecticut Undergraduate Student Government 2110 Hillside Road Storrs, CT 06269 (860) 486-3708...
    3. stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com/   09/05/2011
      ...John D. Petersen, in his second year at the school after coming from the University of Connecticut; athletics director Mike Hamilton, on the job since July 2003 and at the school since 1992; and...
    4. orange44.blogspot.com/   02/15/2008
      ... the many instances in which someone related to University of Connecticut Athletics has either violated the law, violated school policy...
    5. cornellbasketball.blogspot.com/   11/10/2013
      ...be televised, with SNY originating the November 26 game at the University of Connecticut and ESPN3 carrying the December 30 contest at the University of Miami. Brito, Laster...
    6. bornavol.blogspot.com/   04/28/2013
      The University of Connecticut decided to update the image of its logo...she wrote. “The face of real life UConn athletics is certainly capable of frightening...
    7. cornellbasketball.blogspot.com/   03/03/2010
      ... selected and there will be a Connecticut 6 Player of the Week chosen each week...Oberlin), Mark Sembrowich (Academy of Arts University) and Mark Gilbride (Clarkson).Jones served...
    8. bcramer2.wordpress.com/   01/27/2011
      What’s wrong with major college athletics–Example 1 http://sports.espn... a large sum of money to the University of Connecticut wants his money back and the...
    9. junglemiami.wordpress.com/   11/11/2010
      ...you that sated feeling that other products may not. A small University of Connecticut study found that fat-free chocolate milk seems to protect muscles...
    10. loyolastudentdispatch.wordpress.com/   02/09/2011
      ...League athletic conference (including universities such as American, Holy Cross, Army, Navy, Fordham...new leadership will raise the profile of Loyola athletics. “No other higher institution ...

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    university connecticut athletics